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District profile - Nottingham City

This district profile was generated on 22/10/2024. District profile data was last updated July 2021.

District profile - Nottingham City

District boundary


Total population: population pyramid

Population pyramid

Source: ONS Mid-year estimates (2020)

Table: Total Population (2020 MYE)

Source: ONS Mid-year estimates (2020)

Table: Total Population (2020 MYE)

Source: ONS Mid-year estimates (2020)

Total population: percentage by broad age band

Source: ONS Mid-year estimates (2020)

Table: Census 2011 Religion

Source: Census (2011)

Chart: Census 2011 religion

Source: Census (2011)


The Indices of Deprivation measure relative levels of deprivation in 32,844 small areas or neighbourhoods, called Lower Super Output Areas, in England. Each area is given a score and a rank for seven distinct types ('domains') of deprivation which are then combined to calculate the overall Index of Multiple Deprivation. The Indices are used to analyse patterns of deprivation for small areas across the Country.

Map: IMD LSOA by district

Source: English indices of deprivation (2019)

Table: Children in out of work families (DWP)

Source: Department for work and pensions (2018/19)

Crime and safety

Table: Road Traffic Collisions (RTCs)

Source: Nottinghamshire Police, 1/4/2019 - 31/3/2020

Chart: Annual population survey: occupation

Source: ONS annual population survey (Jan-Dec 2020)

Table: Earnings (ONS Hours and Earnings)

The table below shows the weekly pay for part time and full time employee jobs by place of work and place of residence. The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) is conducted in April each year to obtain information about the levels, distribution and make-up of earnings and hours worked for employees and is based on a sample of employee jobs.

Source: ONS Hours and Earnings (2020)

Table: Census Workplace population

Understanding how the daytime working population differs from the resident population is important to help determine migration patterns in an area and the variances between the different populations.

Source: Census (2011)

Table: Annual population survey qualifications

Source: ONS annual population survey (Jan-Dec 2020)

Chart: Annual population survey qualifications

Source: ONS annual population survey (Jan-Dec 2020)

Table: Key Stage 4

Source: Department for Education (2018-19)

Key Stage 4 results for 2020 are not yet available as of 23/07/2021.

Health and Social Care

Table: Census 2011 Limiting long term illness

Source: Census (2011)

Table: Childhood obesity

The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) measures the height and weight of around one million school children in England every year, providing a detailed picture of the prevalence of child obesity.

Source: Public Health England – National Childhood Measurement Programme (NCMP) Obesity data and tools (2018-19)

Table: Life expectancy (PHE frameworks)

Source: Public Health England – Fingertips (2017-19)

Table: Healthy life expectancy at birth

Source: Public Health England – Fingertips (2017-19)


Table: Census 2011 Households by tenure

% of all households

Source: Census (2011)


Chart: Census 2011 access to vehicle

Source: Census (2011)

Table: Travel time threshold

Travel time threshold expressed as percentage of households.

Source: Local data (Nottinghamshire County Council) May 2018