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Nottingham Insight

Older people

Improved living conditions and better health provision have contributed to an increase in life expectancy. 

Nottingham’s Age Friendly Nottingham initiative focusses on supporting citizens aged 50+ years to have fulfilled lives – feeling valued by all sections of society, living as independently as possible and being encouraged to contribute to their local communities.  For more information on Age Friendly Nottingham and the Nottingham Older Citizen’s Charter go to

However for the purposes of provision of health and care services the term ‘older people’ refers to people aged over 65 years

Grouping into different age bands is perhaps arbitrary but nonetheless helpful when planning for the future provision of services.  The consideration of older people separately facilitates a focus on the provision of care services, including the contribution of unpaid family carers and the progress being made in helping older people to retain their independence and social inclusion despite increasing frailty.  It is also useful when planning for the impact of the increased number of older people living with long term health problems and disabilities, including older people with learning difficulties.


JSNA chapters

Supporting documents

