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Nottingham Insight

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Contains 1 folders and 3 resources



Nottingham City Homes housing options surgeries 2020

  • Other
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 01/01/2020

List of housing options surgeries for 2020, including date, time and location. Facilitated by Nottingham City homes, citizens may attend on a drop-in basis to receive advice and help with registration for Nottingham Homelink

Places: Nottingham City

Help and advice from local organisations in Nottingham City

  • Map
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 23/09/2019

Leaflet showing where to go for help and advice in Nottingham City (Welfare advice, debt, housing, personal budgeting etc.)

Places: Nottingham City

Delivering Better Health Outcomes Through Housing - Workshop Report

  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 31/03/2015

The event gave local stakeholders from both health and housing backgrounds the opportunity to hear examples of good practice from a variety of speakers. It offered a chance to reflect on what we're doing in Nottingham and how we can better use our networks, potential partnerships and resources to ensure that we are doing all we can to deliver housing that promotes better health for our citizens across all tenures.

Places: Nottingham City