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Folder Key strategies and plans Key strategies and plans

Contains 14 resources


"Quality Homes for All" Nottinghams Housing Strategy 2018-2021

  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 11/06/2019

Nottingham's Housing Strategy for the next 3 years shows how Nottingham City Council and its partners will work towards the vision that all citizens should be able to enjoy a good quality home, irrespective of its tenure.

Places: Nottingham City

A strategy for excellence - The vision for Nottingham City Homes 2008 -2018

  • Other
  • published by Other on 05/01/2009

NCH¿s 10-year Strategic Plan

Places: Nottingham City

Creating Homes and Places Where People Want to Live, NCH Corporate Plan 2012 to 2015

  • Other
  • published by Other on 02/04/2012

Sets out NCH¿s ambitions for the next three years

Places: Nottingham City

Environmental policy

  • Report
  • published by Other on 01/04/2012

We recognise the need to protect and enhance the local and global environment through our own and others activities. We are committed to minimising our adverse environmental impacts, while enhancing the quality of life for our customers.

Places: Nottingham City

Health and Safety Policy

  • Report
  • published by Other on 04/07/2012

Revised and updated policy

Places: Nottingham City

Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2012 - 2042

  • Other
  • published by Other on 01/04/2012

Describes Nottingham City Council¿s vision for the future of our housing stock. It sets out how we intend to meet the investment requirements necessary to maintain our homes to a decent standard over the next 30 years and build much needed new council homes.

Places: Nottingham City

Housing Strategies and delivery plans

  • Report
  • published by Nottinghamshire County Council on 21/08/2017

Housing Strategies and delivery plan

Places: Other

Joint Tenancy Strategy - December 2012

  • Report
  • published by Other on 05/03/2013

The Tenancy Strategy has been developed to provide a guide as to the kind of tenancies available to be granted, the circumstances in which a particular tenancy shall be issued, and the length of tenancy term. The strategy has been developed in partnership with Broxtowe Borough Council, Gedling Borough Council and Nottingham City Council. As such, Registered Providers working in those areas should have regard to its contents.

Places: Nottingham City, Broxtowe Borough, Gedling Borough

Memorandum of Understanding - Improving Health through the Home

  • Other
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 25/10/2016

Memorandum of Understanding to support joint action on improving health through the home for Nottingham

Places: Nottingham City

Multi-agency Process Guidance Supporting Young People aged 16 or 17 who are at risk of homelessness

  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 19/03/2015

Being homeless at any age is a traumatic experience, but young people aged 16-17 who have been told to leave home face a frightening time trying to access safe support. The best place for most young people is at home and most young people and families can resolve their difficulties with help. In exceptional situations this is not possible and this guidance seeks to clarify what young people (and those services working with young people to support them) can expect if they make contact with Nottingham City Council (NCC). Nottingham City Council recognises and accepts that it has a corporate responsibility towards young people with regard to housing and homelessness issues and, through the joint protocol (Nottingham City Council Joint Protocol for Children and Young People in Need of Housing), aims to provide an effective joint working approach to ensure the delivery of services meets local demand (within available resources).

Places: Nottingham City

Nottingham City Council Joint Protocol for Children and Young People in need of Housing (Sept 14)

  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 19/03/2015

Central Government has consistently stressed it is committed to tackling youth homelessness. The need for a joint protocol is further strengthened by reference to Lord Laming's report following the Victoria Climbie tragedy. The purpose of the protocol is to promote joint working between staff working in children's services and housing agencies to ensure suitable provision of support, advice and housing for children and young people in Nottingham who are homeless or threatened with homelessness.

Places: Nottingham City

Nottingham City Homelessness Prevention Hospital Discharge Protocol

  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 31/10/2017

Partnership process guidance to support the prevention of hospital discharge to homelessness

Places: Nottingham City

Quality Manual

  • Report
  • published by Other on 07/11/2012

This Quality Manual provides specifics on policies and procedures used by Nottingham City Homes to meet ISO 9001 Quality Management System requirements

Places: Nottingham City

The Housing Nottingham Plan 2013-15

  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 04/03/2013

This is the three-year plan of Nottingham¿s Housing Strategic Partnership, one of the theme partnerships of One Nottingham. In this plan we set out our approach to the housing market in the next three years, identifying the interventions which will deliver positive housing outcomes for our citizens. Although this plan is about housing interventions, its impact will be felt across a much broader range of aspects of Nottingham¿s wellbeing. By delivering housing and housing related activity, we can have a positive impact on the economy of the city, the health of citizens and the local environment. This is why the plan is so closely linked to the Nottingham Plan to 2020: it represents housing¿s contribution to that overall plan.

Places: Nottingham City